Thursday, July 19, 2018

8 things to do when you are not motivated

8 Things To Do When
You Are Not Motivated

Image result for not Motivated
Connect Statesbore

In today’s world it can be very hard to get motivated.
Whether you have a boss or teacher who is constantly accusing you of doing what they
told you to do, or you bed it to warm and comfortable to get out of, it can be
hard to get motivated. So, today I am going to help you with that, so welcome to...


Start Small

Each day set a small goal for yourself.
Even if this is to just brush your teeth.
Though I do not like the word, “Just” when you are unmotivated it can be hard to do the smallest things. If you complete your first task and you do not feel completely drained
and you want to take it up a notch, you can do something like; go for a walk.
Going outside can be very therapeutic.

Gummy bears candies stock photo#2

Reward yourself

When you meet your goal reward yourself.
This can be with a little piece of chocolate, or a new game.
This is very helpful for me because it gives me a motivating reason to do something.
Make sure the reward is something motivating to you, or else you won’t want to do it.


Get people to support you/Surround

yourself with good people

Group of female friends enjoying outdoors on city street stock photoIt is very important to surround yourself with people who care about you and you care
about, people who will support you and will help you. This is very important because they can push
you a little harder than you will push yourself (in most cases) to get things done and to get out of bed.

Make a vision board
A vision board does not need to be pretty you can just tape pictures on your wall if you want. This just consist of pictures that motivate you. This could be a piece of clothing you want when you save up enough money, your pet, or anything that is motivating to you. It can also be a goal, for example it could be an image of an A+, a college you want to go to or whatever you want.

Collage of african-american hands counting stock photo#5
Count your blessings
Counting your blessings is very important for a good mental health. You don't need to be religious to count your blessings, just think of things you are thankful for. This really shows you how much you have and how many people you care about. This also give you more gratitude, and gratitude has so many health benefits like better sleep and higher self esteem


Just start

I know that starting can seem like a daunting task, but you will feel so much better once you start.
Sometimes being unmotivated can just be not wanting to start. Not in all cases though,
so just try this one out and see if it works. If you have an assignment do that you just can't seem
to start, just try it for five minutes and see what happens.

#7Hand drawn vector flowers card. Bright floral  illustration with motivating quote 'Yes,  you can'. vector art illustration

Look up motivating quotes

Motivating quotes can be very important to your health, because they can give you a sense of hope.
You could put this on your vision board so whenever you need it you can look up. You could also do some
digging and find out what famous people had to go through get to where they are now. It is always
good to know that we are not alone in our struggles and that other people also had struggles getting
Dancing at a Music Festival stock phototo their goals.

Have some fun

Everyone needs time to just kick up their feet, or just have some fun. This is very helpful because it reminds
you what you like and why you get out of bed. Everybody deserves a break from this stressful world. So,
go out be happy spend some time with friends, and be yourself.

Thank you for reading this far. I hope you are good, and that things get better if you are feeling bad.
-Bee you :)

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